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Tom The Suit Forst is an artist with an impressive resume for someone who didn’t start his professional music career until the age of 57. He had been a corporate media executive for a major television company until the day he and his wife paid the last college tuition bill for their children. With that, Tom enacted a plan that was several years in the making – he became a full-time musician and recording artist. Tom, a lifelong musician whose style has been called a cross between Eric Clapton, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and Joe Walsh.
His unique story, which has been chronicled by Forbes Magazine, as well as by television news programs, radio, and newspapers, has included a solo album produced by Grammy winner Paul Nelson, and being inducted into the New York and Connecticut Blues Hall of Fame. In 2018, he started a weekly podcast called “Chasing the Blues,” which just completed its fiftieth episode, the finale of Season One. The podcast, endorsed by the Blues Foundation, explores the history and impact of the blues as world music and features interviews with other blues artists such as Mike Zito, Anthony Gomes, and Joe Louis Walker.

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