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Do you play? Sing? Just love blues music?

Mark your calendar! Join us for an end-of-the-year festive Blues Jam/Party. We will supply the pizza and drink.
The Traveling Riverside Blues Band (house band) will start off the evening with a set while everyone gets settled. Please note that this is a jam, where you get to play and network with other musicians. Participants are called up one at a time to play with the house band. Additionally, full bands will have an opportunity to play together after everyone has had a chance to perform.
Bonus… if there is time available, everyone will have an opportunity to perform several times. So stick around and enjoy a fun evening of music.
A full backline is provided. No pedals or pedalboards, please.
Admission is $7.00 for HVBS Members / $10 for non-members.
Please RSVP so we can plan accordingly at https://bit.ly/47HdIOt

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