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A relatively recent indie-folk-pop-Americana outfit consisting of three lead singers, a guitar, a cello, a suitcase drum, an accordion and various toy instruments. They hail from Brooklyn, NY and are known for their vivacious performance style, genre-defying sound, soaring harmonies, and ability to make music-magic happen. https://www.banditsonthe run.nyc

Generously underwritten by the Wadsworth Lewis Fund

CHIRP is a series of free Tuesday and Thursday night summer concerts in Ballard Park located in the heart of Ridgefield. CHIRP is totally funded by individual and foundation donations as well as contributions from local businesses. It is co-sponsored by the town of Ridgefield through its Parks & Rec. Dep’t. and The Ridgefield Press. Concerts begin at 7 p.m. Please understand that we love dogs BUT they are not permitted in Ballard Park.

CHIRP’s mission is to present to its audience music and professional musicians who would not normally otherwise have a venue in the Ridgefield/Danbury area. Its main goals are to build community through shared experience as well as to enhance Ridgefield’s reputation as a “Destination.”

If you have not already liked them on Facebook, please do so for the most up-to-date information: https://www.facebook.com/ChirpCT/

PARKING – please adhere to following:
Passengers & Coolers may be dropped off at the CVS entrance to Ballard Park. From there, please follow the directions on the signs and of the parking enforcement personnel to locate parking. Please be considerate and do not park in front of open restaurants anywhere in town unless you are also eating there.

It is now possible to donate to CHIRP online. Help us make CHIRP’s twentieth (20) anniversary season the best yet. For those who prefer, checks can also be sent to CHIRP, Town Hall, 400 Main St., Ridgefield, CT. 06877.

Please help CHIRP provide free music in the park for all who wish to come and enjoy. Remember, when it rains CHIRP is most often at The Ridgefield Playhouse.

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